wolfgang ziegler

„make stuff and blog about it“

Editing Environment Variables in Windows 10

November 20, 2015

This was one of those “hell freezes over moments” for me: In the latest Windows 10 update, Microsoft has finally changed the user interface of it’s seriously dated environment variable editor.

env var editor

Editing compound environment variables like Path is now actually a pleasure provided the new dialog’s functionality, which allows you to:

  • add or delete entries
  • move them up or down
  • edit or chose them using a file picker.

It has taken quite a while (I think since Windows 95), but this functionality is finally available and I really appreciate it.

Why do I still see the old editor?

This functionality arrived with the latest update to Windows 10 (build 10586). Make sure you have this update installed by opening a command prompt (Press Windows + R and type cmd) and enter ver. You should see a similar output like in the screenshot below.

windows 10 version

What if I don’t have Windows 10?

Well first and foremost, you should really consider upgrading to Windows 10, there is simply no good reason not to. But if you refuse to do so are really can’t for some reason, there is help in the form of an application called Rapid Environment Editor. You can manually download it here or get it through the chocolatey packet manager.

This tool is pure gold and I have been using it for years. It’s basically the Windows environment editor on steroids, already providing all the above mentioned new functionality (and more).

choco install rapidee


Actually make sure sure to check out Rapid Environment Editor, even if you are running the latest update of Windows 10. You will like it!