First Windows Phone 8 Update
December 12, 2012Today I received the first OTA (over the air) update for my HTC 8X Windows Phone 8. This update goes with the code name Portico.
These screenshots demonstrate the update experience which went smoothly and took around 15 minutes from the beginning of the download until my mobile was fully functional again.
[The screenshots were taken with the new Windows Phone 8 feature of pressing the home and power button simultaneously.]
One really nice feature I was already waiting for and which was delivered with this update is the ability to keep the WIFI turned on when the phone is locked for checking Email or doing other network activity. This helps reducing the transferred bytes if you are on a tight data plan.
Another nice feature is the possibility to answer calls now with an SMS, where you can quickly answer with default text (e.g. “I’ll call you back) or create a custom answer.